


  • 下線部: 指導教員
  • 太字: 所属学生


  1. 中村亨,武井邦夫,種市摂子,金鎭赫,佐々木司,山本義春.身体活動時系列に基づく双極性障害の病相転移予測・不安障害と双極性障害.貝谷久宜・佐々木司/不安・抑うつ臨床研究会編,日本評論社,2013.



  1. Marcusson-Clavertz D, Persson SD, Davidson P, Kim J, Cardeña E, Kuehner C. Mind wandering and sleep in daily life: A combined actigraphy and experience sampling study. Consciousness and Cognition, 107: 103447, 2023.
  2. Smyth JM, Zawadzki MJ, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Scott SB, Johnson JA, Kim J, Toledo MJL, Stawski RS, Sliwinski MJ, Almeida DM. Computing components of everyday stress responses: exploring conceptual challenges and new opportunities. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18: 110-124, 2023.
  3. Marcusson-Clavertz D, Sliwinski MJ, Buxton OM, Kim J, Almeida DM, Smyth JM. Relationships between daily stress responses in everyday life and nightly sleep. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 45: 518-532, 2022.
  4. Kim J, Conroy DC, Smyth JM. Bidirectional associations of momentary affect with physical activity and sedentary behaviors in working adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 54: 268-279, 2020.
  5. Marcusson-Clavertz D, Kjell ONE, Kim J, Persson SD, Cardeña E. Sad mood and poor sleep are related to task-unrelated thoughts and experience of diminished cognitive control. Scientific Reports, 10: 8940, 2020.
  6. Scott SB, Sliwinski MJ, Zawadzki MJ, Stawski RS, Kim J, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Lanza ST, Conroy DC, Buxton OM, Almeida DM, Smyth JM. A coordinated analysis of variance in affect in daily life. Assessment, 27: 1683-1698, 2020.
  7. Foo JC, Sirignano L, Trautmann N, Kim J, Witt SH, Streit F, Frank J, Zillich L, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Ebner-Priemer UW, Schilling C, Schredl M, Yamamoto Y, Gilles M, Deuschle M, Rietschel M. Association of locomotor activity during sleep deprivation treatment with response. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11: 688, 2020.
  8. Almeida DM, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Conroy DC, Kim J, Zawadzki MJ, Sliwinski MJ, Smyth JM. Everyday stress components and physical activity: examining reactivity, recovery and pileup. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 43: 108-120, 2020.
  9. Vengeliene V, Foo JC, Kim J. Translational approach to understanding momentary factors associated with alcohol consumption. British Journal of Pharmacology, 177: 3878-3897, 2020.
  10. Kim J, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Yoshiuchi K, Smyth JM. Potential benefits of integrating ecological momentary assessment data into mHealth care systems. Biopsychosocial Medicine, 13: 19, 2019.
  11. Scott SB, Kim J, Smyth JM, Almeida DM, Sliwinski MJ. Additive effects of forecasted and reported stressors on negative affect. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 74: 29-37, 2019.
  12. Stawski RS, Scott SB, Zawadzki MJ, Sliwinski MJ, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Kim J, Lanza ST, Green PA, Almeida DM, Smyth JM. Age differences in everyday stressor-related negative affect: A coordinated analysis, Psychology and Aging, 34: 91-105, 2019.
  13. Zawadzki MJ, Scott SB, Almeida DM, Lanza ST, Conroy DC, Sliwinski MJ, Kim J, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Stawski RS, Green PA, Sciamanna CN, Johnson JA, Smyth JM. Understanding stress reports in daily life: A coordinated analysis of factors associated with the frequency of reporting stress. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 42: 545-560, 2019.
  14. Kim J, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Togo F, Park H. A practical guide to analyzing time-varying association between physical activity and affect, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 4: 1-11, 2018.
  15. Ogino K, Takahashi H, Nakamura T, Kim J, Kikuchi H, Nakahachi T, Ebishima K, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, Sumiyoshi T, Stickley A, Yamamoto Y, Kamio Y. Negatively skewed locomotor activity is related to autistic traits and behavioral problems in typically developing children and those with autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12: 518, 2018.
  16. Takahashi H, Nakamura T, Kim J, Kikuchi H, Nakahachi T, Ishitobi M, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, Stickley A, Yamamoto Y, Kamio Y. The relation between locomotor dynamics and the acoustic startle response and its modulation in children with typical development and those with autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9: 355, 2018.
  17. Shimizu E, Nakamura T, Kim J, Yoshiuch K, Yamamoto Y. Application of empirical mode decomposition to mother and infant physical activity: Synchronization of circadian rhythm is associated with maternal mental health. Methods of Information in Medicine, 51: 152-157, 2018.
  18. Smyth JM, Sliwinski MJ, Zawadzki MJ, Scott SB, Conroy DC, Lanza ST, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Kim J, Stawski RS, Stoney CM, Buxton OM, Sciamanna CN, Green PM, Almeida DM. Everyday stress response targets in the science of behavior change. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 101: 20-29, 2018.
  19. 志村 広子, 中村 亨, 金鎭赫, 菊地 裕絵, 吉内 一浩, 山本 義春.勤労者の日常生活下における行動,心理,生理,環境情報の統合連続モニタリングと大規模データベースの利活用.ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,19: 163-174, 2017.
  20. Kim J, Nakamura T, Yamamoto Y. A momentary biomarker for depressive mood. In Silico Pharmacology, 4: 4, 2016.
  21. Kim J, Nakamura T, Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y. Covariation of depressive mood and spontaneous physical activity in major depressive disorder: Towards continuous monitoring of depressive mood. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19: 1347-1355, 2015. *同誌のFeatured Articleに選定
  22. Kim J, Nakamura T, Kikuchi H, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y. Co-variation of depressive mood and locomotor dynamics evaluated by ecological momentary assessment in healthy humans. PLoS ONE, 8: e74979, 2013.
  23. Kim J, Kikuchi H, Yamamoto Y. Systematic comparison between ecological momentary assessment and day reconstruction method for fatigue and mood states in healthy adults. British Journal of Health Psychology, 18: 155-167, 2013.
  24. 金鎭赫,斎藤良夫.韓国で行われている労働者の疲労感調査について.労働科学,80: 203-212, 2004.


  1. 金鎭赫,東郷史治. 運動習慣の精神的健康への影響 (特集 日常生活再検討から得られる治療と予防の手がかり). 精神科, 39: 630-636, 2021.
  2. 中村亨,武井邦夫,種市摂子,金鎭赫,佐々木司,山本義春.潜在する双極性障害患者を見つけるために―行動解析の観点から―.精神科,22: 599-604, 2013.
  3. 久保善正,菊地裕絵,金鎭赫,山本義春.救急隊員の疲労感,心理的ストレス,眠気,集中力,気分の経時変化及び睡眠実態について.消防技術安全所報,48: 171-178, 2011.


  1. Oda N, Kim J, Yamamoto Y. Information presentation methods for setting achievable and meaningful goals on fitness apps. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, pp. 61-67, 2022.
  2. Kim J, Murata T, Foo JC, Hossain BMA, Togo F. A pilot study of temporal associations between psychological stress and cardiovascular response. Proceedings of 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 7040-7043, 2021.
  3. Qian K, Kuromiya H, Zhang Z, Kim J, Nakamura T, Yoshiuchi K, Schuller BW, Yamamoto Y. Teaching machines to know your depressive state: on physical activity in health and major depressive disorder. Proceedings of 41st Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 3592-3595, 2019.
  4. Shimizu E, Nakamura T, Kim J, Yoshiuch K, Yamamoto Y. Synchronization between mother and infant circadian rhythm as a correlated factor with maternal diurnal symptoms, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, pp. 136-139, 2016.
  5. Kim J, Nakamura T, Kikuchi H, Yamamoto Y. Psychobehavioral validity of self-reported symptoms based on spontaneous physical activity. Proceedings of 37th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 4021-4024, 2015.
  6. Kim J, Nakamura T, Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. Co-variation of depressive mood and spontaneous physical activity evaluated by ecological momentary assessment in major depressive disorder. Proceedings of 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6635-6638, 2014.
  7. Nakamura T, Kim J, Takei K, Taneichi S, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y. Intermittent locomotor dynamics and its transitions in bipolar disorder. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, IEEE, 2013.


  1. Kim J, Nakamura T, Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y. Towards continuous monitoring of depressive mood from locomotor activity in major depressive disorder. Proceedings of 53rd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, Supplement pp. O55-O56, 2014.



  1. 金鎭赫.EMAデータをモバイルヘルスケアシステムに統合することの潜在的重要性.ヘルスケアIoTコンソーシアム 2019年度総会/公開シンポジウム,東京,2019年5月.
  2. Kim J. Bidirectional associations of momentary affect with physical activity and sedentary behaviors in working adults. Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, September 2018.
  3. Nakamura T, Kim J, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. Stochastic Quantifiers of Behavioral Dynamics in Psychiatric Disorders. The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jeju, South Korea, July 2017.
  4. Kim J. Capturing real-time data in natural environment: the utility of ecological momentary assessment. Dong-A University, Busan, Korea, November 2015.
  5. 吉内一浩, 山本義春, 中村亨, 金鎭赫.うつ症状の予兆検出から予防へと活用されるEMA-産学連携による今後の医療ビジネスへの展望について-.第38回日本神経科学大会,神戸,2015年7月.
  6. 山本義春, 吉内一浩, 中村亨, 金鎭赫.心理・生理・行動・環境データを活用した快適性評価手法の確立に向けた産学連携の取り組み現状と今後の可能性.第38回日本神経科学大会,神戸,2015年7月.
  7. Kim J, Nakamura T, Yamamoto Y (presenter). Fatigue and mood assessed with the DRM and EMA. Developments in the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) and Related Methods: Review and New Directions, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, January 2015.
  8. Kim J. Capturing real-time data in natural environment: the utility of ecological momentary assessment. University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany, November 2014.
  9. Kim J. Towards objective monitoring of depressive mood from spontaneous physical activity in major depressive disorder. Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany, November 2014.
  10. 中村亨,武井邦夫,種市摂子,金鎭赫,佐々木司,山本義春.身体活動時系列による双極性障害フェーズ変化の予測可能性.うつ病治療を考える会,東京,2012年10月.


  1. Kim J. Time-varying associations between everyday affect and physical activity. Society for Ambulatory Assessment Conference, Melbourne, Australia, January 2020.
  2. Kim J. Time-varying associations between everyday affect and physical activity. The 18th Congress of the Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, August 2018.
  3. 金鎭赫,中村亨,菊地裕絵,吉内一浩,佐々木司,山本義春.日常生活下における実時間での精神疾患関連症状のデータ収集:エコロジカルモメンタリーアセスメントの有用性.第6回日本不安障害学会学術大会,東京,2014年2月.
  4. 中村亨,武井邦夫,種市摂子,金鎭赫,佐々木司,山本義春.Continuous and quantitative evaluation of locomotor dynamics in bipolar disorder.第14回八ヶ岳シンポジウム,東京,2012年11月.


  1. Oda N, Kim J, Yamamoto Y. Information presentation methods for setting achievable and meaningful goals on fitness apps. The 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, Limassol, Cyprus, September 2022. (上記の国際会議論文#1に関連する発表)
  2. Toledo MJL, Conroy DE, Kim J, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Almeida DM, Sliwinski MJ, Sciamanna CN, O’brien E, Johnson JA, Smyth JM. Variance partitioning of active and sedentary behaviors: Are we intervening at the right level? 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 2022.
  3. Murata T, Foo JC, Yamamoto Y, Kim J. Day-to-day relationship between sleep regularity and mood. 80th Scientific Annual Meeting of American Psychosomatic Society, Virtual Conference, March 2022.
  4. Kim J, Murata T, Foo JC, Hossain BMA, Togo F. A pilot study of temporal associations between psychological stress and cardiovascular response. The 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Virtual Conference, November 2021. (上記の国際会議論文#2に関連する発表)
  5. Kawada T, Murata T, Foo JC, Togo F, Kim J. Classifying heart rate variability predicts psychological stress. The 43rd Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Virtual Conference, November 2021.
  6. Fetscher L, Sirignano L, Takeuchi H, Kim J, Witt SH, Streit F, Frank J, Zillich L, Ebner-Priemer U, Yamamoto Y, Gilles M, Deuschle M, Rietschel M, Foo JC. Investigating antidepressant response: comprehensive phenotyping in patients undergoing sleep deprivation therapy. World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics 2021, Virtual Conference, October 2021.
  7. Sirignano L, Foo JC, Trautmann N, Kim J, Witt SH, Streit F, Frank J, Treutlein J, Ebner-Priemer U, Schilling C, Schredl M, Yamamoto Y, Gilles M, Deuschle M, Rietschel M. Novel Phenotyping in psychiatric disorders: Ambulatory assessment in sleep deprivation. World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics 2019, Los Angeles, California, USA, October 2019.
  8. Murata T, Foo JC, Kim J. Does sleep affect your morning mood? A pilot study. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Virtual Conference, July 2021.
  9. Qian K, Kuromiya H, Zhang Z, Kim J, Nakamura T, Yoshiuchi K, Schuller BW, Yamamoto Y. Teaching machines to know your depressive state: on physical activity in health and major depressive disorder. The 41st Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Berlin, Germany, July 2019. (上記の国際会議論文#3に関連する発表)
  10. Smyth JM, Marcusson-Clavertz D, Kim J, Conroy DC, Buxton OM, Almeida DM, Sliwinski MJ. Everyday stress responses and health behaviors. The 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, April 2018.
  11. Takahashi H, Nakamura T, Kim J, Kikuchi H, Nakahachi T, Ishitobi M, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, Stickley A, Yamamoto Y, Kamio Y. The relation between locomotor dynamics and the acoustic startle response in children with typical development and those with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research, Tokyo, Japan, October 2017.
  12. Kim J, Conroy DC, Smyth JM. A circumplex approach to investigating the association of momentary mood to physical activity and sedentary behavior in working adults. The 5th Biennial Conference of Ambulatory Assessment, Luxembourg, June 2017.
  13. Takahashi H, Nakamura T, Kim J, Kikuchi H, Nakahachi T, Ishitobi M, Yoshiuchi K, Ando T, Stickley A, Yamamoto Y, Kamio Y. The relation between locomotor dynamics and the acoustic startle response and its modulation in children with typical development and those with autism spectrum disorders. 2017 International Society for Autism Research, San Francisco, USA, May 2017.
  14. Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Kim J, Tomita Y, Yamamoto Y, Ando T. Development of a comprehensive stress rating scale for ecological momentary assessment: Its within-individual psychometric properties. 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Seville, Spain, March 2017.
  15. Shimizu E, Nakamura T, Kim J, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. Application of empirical mode decomposition to mother and infant physical activity: Synchronization of circadian rhythms is associated with maternal mental health symptoms. 8th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, Osaka, Japan, November 2016. (上記の国際会議論文#4に関連する発表)
  16. Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Kim J, Yamamoto Y, Ando T. The association between energy intake and momentary depressive mood and its interaction with avoidance coping: a study by using ecological momentary assessment and an electronic diary. International Conference on Eating Disorders 2016, San Francisco, USA, May 2016.
  17. Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Kim J (presenter), Yamamoto Y, Ando T. Situational and psychological factors are associated with energy intake in daily lives: A study by using ecological momentary assessment and a food diary. The 74th Annual Scientific Meeting – American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, Colorado, USA, March 2016.
  18. Kim J, Nakamura T (presenter), Kikuchi H, Yamamoto Y. Psychobehavioral validity of self-reported symptoms based on spontaneous physical activity. The 37th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milano, Italy, August 2015. (上記の国際会議論文#5に関連する発表)
  19. Kim J, Togo F, Shimura H, Yasunaga A, Nakamura T, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. Associations between spontaneous physical activity and mood states in older adults: an ambulatory assessment approach in daily life. The 4th Biennial Conference of Ambulatory Assessment, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2015.
  20. Kim J, Nakamura T, Kikuchi H, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. Co-variation of depressive mood and spontaneous physical activity evaluated by ecological momentary assessment in major depressive disorder. The 36th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2014. (上記の国際会議論文#6に関連する発表)
  21. Nakamura T, Takei K, Taneichi S, Kim J, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y. Intermittent locomotor dynamics and its transitions in bipolar disorder. The 35th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, July 2013. (上記の国際会議論文#7に関連する発表)
  22. Kim J, Kikuchi H, Yoshimasa K, Yamamoto Y. Time course of self-reported symptoms among Japanese emergency medical services personnel: Investigation using ecological momentary assessment. The 21st World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Seoul, South Korea, August 2011.
  23. Kim J, Kikuchi H, Yamamoto Y. Examination of new methods to measure fatigue and depressive mood by using physical activity level. The 11th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA, August 2010.
  24. Kim J, Kikuchi H, Yamamoto Y. Investigation of the relationship between momentary fatigue and reconstructed fatigue, using ecological momentary assessment and the day reconstruction method. The 10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, August 2008.


  1. 池ヶ谷舞金鎭赫.日中の身体活動の文脈が与える心理的影響.第20回情報学ワークショップ(WiNF2022),名古屋, 2022年12月.
  2. 村田大河,山本祐輔,金鎭赫.ウェアラブルデバイスを用いた日常生活下における睡眠規則性と気分の関連.第20回情報学ワークショップ(WiNF2022),名古屋,2022年12月.
  3. Hossain BMA, Murata T, Kim J. Association between smartphone usage and daily mood in international students. SMASH22 Summer Symposium,浜松,2022年9月.
  4. 高橋 秀俊, 中村 亨, 金鎭赫, 菊地 裕絵, 吉内 一浩, 安藤 哲也, 山本 義春, 神尾 陽子. 自閉スペクトラム症児の身体活動動態と聴覚性驚愕反射との関連. 第27回日本臨床精神神経薬理学会,松江,2017年11月.
  5. 菊地 裕絵, 吉内 一浩, 金鎭赫, 富田 吉敏, 山本 義春, 安藤 哲也. EMA用ストレス評価尺度の開発:個人内比較における心理測定特性について.第22回日本心療内科学会学術大会,鹿児島,2017年11月.
  6. 菊地 裕絵, 金鎭赫, 富田 吉敏, 吉内 一浩, 安藤 哲也. 心拍変動を用いた日常生活下のストレスの客観指標の開発. 第58回日本心身医学会学術講演会,札幌,2017年6月.
  7. 金鎭赫, 菊地裕絵, 安藤哲也, 中村亨, 山本義春.身体活動度を用いた自覚症状評価法における心理行動学的妥当性の検証.第127回日本心身医学会関東地方会,東京,2017年2月.
  8. 清水悦子, 中村亨, 金鎭赫, 吉内一浩, 山本義春.母子の概日リズムの同期性と 母親の自覚症状との関係 -母子の身体活動量時系列データへのEmpirical Mode Decompositionの適用-.第53回生体信号計測・解釈研究会,東京,2015年12月.
  9. Shimizu E, Nakamura T, Kim J, Yoshiuchi K, Yamamoto Y. Diurnal associations between mother’s symptoms and mother-infant phase differences in biological rhythms. The 22nd annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Chronobiology. Tokyo, Japan, November 2015.
  10. 菊地裕絵, 金鎭赫, 安藤哲也, 山本義春, 吉内一浩:食事摂取と心理状態の変化-ecological momentary assessmentを用いた日常生活下調査から.第19回日本摂食障害学会学術集会,福岡,2015年10月.
  11. 清水悦子, 中村亨, 金鎭赫, 吉内一浩, 山本義春:母親の自覚症状と母子の概日リズムの位相差との関係.第56回日本心身医学会学術講演会,東京,2015年6月.
  12. 清水悦子,中村亨,金鎭赫,山本義春.母子の概日リズムの位相差が母親の心理状態及び身体症状に及ぼす影響.第125回日本心身医学会関東地方会,東京,2014年10月.
  13. 金鎭赫,中村亨,菊地裕絵,吉内一浩,佐々木司,山本義春.大うつ病性障害における自発的身体活動に基づく抑うつ気分の連続評価法の開発.第53回日本生体医工学会大会,仙台,2014年6月.(上記の国内会議論文#1に関連する発表)
  14. 金鎭赫,中村亨,菊地裕絵,吉内一浩,佐々木司,山本義春.大うつ病性障害患者における不安・抑うつ気分と身体活動度の実時間モニタリングとその関係.第6回日本不安障害学会学術大会,東京,2014年2月.
  15. 張娜,金鎭赫,中村亨,東郷史治,佐々木司,山本義春.EMAによる自覚症状,睡眠,身体活動度の関係に関する探索的研究.第6回日本不安障害学会学術大会,東京,2014年2月.
  16. 中村亨,武井邦夫,種市摂子,金鎭赫,佐々木司,山本義春.自発的身体活動に基づく双極性障害の病相変化の客観的評価とその予測.第6回日本不安障害学会学術大会,東京,2014年2月.


  1. 金鎭赫.食道がん患者の回復促進のための周術期患者管理システムの開発.第2回静岡大学・浜松医科大学合同研究発表会,浜松,2021年3月.
  2. 村田大河金鎭赫.睡眠は起床時の気分に影響するのか―パイロットスタディ.情報学シンポジウム2020,浜松,2020年12月.
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